A Little Spark
How We Got Our Start
Sometime during 2012, on a cold evening. I was sitting in the bleachers watching my son at soccer practice. I was freezing sitting there, even though I was wearing a winter jacket; the cold, damp air was blowing right through me. I saw other mums and dads with blankets on their laps and shoulders shuddering underneath them.
I imagined a product that I could wear over my jacket to insulate my body and capture the warmth.
So I designed a unisex garment of fantastic quality that could be worn over outerwear and still be worn comfortably at home?
That’s when the idea of DaCozee was born.
Foster Care & Children Living in Invisible Communities
I had thought of the concept, draped and designed the initial pattern, and made my prototypes. However, I still was insecure about the idea until I was sitting in a service at my local church. My pastor’s sermon focused on the dire needs of children within the foster care system within the state of Alabama.
The need just touched my heart; at that moment, God breathed life and purpose into me for this dream. I began to see the vision of children all across America the majority of the population does not see or acknowledge.
Invisible children of the working poor. Parents who were abused, drug-addicted, incarcerated, or homeless. Children who aged out of the foster care system and children trafficked across our state and country. Children who, for no fault of their own within the foster care system or communities marginalized by poverty. I wanted DaCozee to express God’s love. The product had to be multi-purposed, feel safe, and warm. Most importantly, I wanted each child to have something that was a gift to them, theirs 100%, given to them by strangers.
We are links in the chain.
Ripples in the Ocean
With every garment purchased, DaCozee wants to create small ripple effects of positivity that will make lasting changes in the lives of citizens living in disadvantaged communities.
“DaCozee made and bought to give the gift of love to invisible children.”
Invisible Adult Communities
Sometime years later, God challenged us to look at the start of the cycle of poverty and abuse. Of course, we wanted to help children who live invisibly amongst us. However, the big question was, how do we meet the challenge of stopping the cycle of poverty and abuse in our communities? How do we help the parents trying their best but cannot get a living wage within their communities? How do we reduce re-incarceration rates? How do we help families stabilize after trauma?
We decided to draw our employee base from the financially fragile segment of the workforce, with children most at risk, by reaching out to Youth-based community programs, Youth At Risk-Vocational training centers and others. Targeting through these programs, we find our potential candidates for employment. We may not have the prescription for these systemic challenges, but we can make a small dent. These children and families are worth our best efforts.
We want to be an avenue of employment for those who need a second chance for a stable life.
At DaCozee, we want to invest in our struggling communities to create a better future in the USA.
We believe that the customer always comes first, which translates to exceptional products, great pricing, and valid testimonies. Get in touch today to see how you can help us energize our local communities to make this dream come true.​